Learn how to create an account and login
You can start using Studypages Data to build your own forms and collect data for free with our 7-day free trial. For more details on our pricing please visit our pricing page.
To create your free Studypages Data account, visit the signup page.
You can create a unique Studypages Data account by filling out your Full name, Email address, and creating a password. You can change any of the information later in your account settings.
By signing up for a Studypages Data account, you agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Please read this documentation before creating a Studypages Data account.
Now that you have an account you can log in to Studypages Data Web to create a study and download our Android and iOS app for data collection.
You can log into your Studypages Data Web with your account credentials.
To download Studypages Data on an iPhone or iPad you may search for "Studypages Data" on the App Store or from this direct link.
Once you download the app you will be asked to create a 4 digit passcode, this will serve as a quick access code once you close the app and open it again.
Once you have created a passcode you may login with your username and password.
To download Studypages Dat` on an Android smartphone or tablet may search for "Studypages Data" on the Google Play Store from this direct link.
Once you have installed the app on your device you may login with your username and password.
The first time you log in you will be asked to create a 4 digit passcode, this will serve as a quick access code once you close the app and open it again.
You can start using Studypages Data to build your own forms and collect data for free with our 7-day free trial. For more details on our pricing please visit our pricing page.
To create your free Studypages Data account, visit the signup page.
You can create a unique Studypages Data account by filling out your Full name, Email address, and creating a password. You can change any of the information later in your account settings.
By signing up for a Studypages Data account, you agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Please read this documentation before creating a Studypages Data account.
Now that you have an account you can log in to Studypages Data Web to create a study and download our Android and iOS app for data collection.
You can log into your Studypages Data Web with your account credentials.
To download Studypages Data on an iPhone or iPad you may search for "Studypages Data" on the App Store or from this direct link.
Once you download the app you will be asked to create a 4 digit passcode, this will serve as a quick access code once you close the app and open it again.
Once you have created a passcode you may login with your username and password.
To download Studypages Dat` on an Android smartphone or tablet may search for "Studypages Data" on the Google Play Store from this direct link.
Once you have installed the app on your device you may login with your username and password.
The first time you log in you will be asked to create a 4 digit passcode, this will serve as a quick access code once you close the app and open it again.